Brown Fox’s Busy Spring and Summer In the Community
July 30, 2018 by Brown Fox
Associate Christina Gigliotti volunteered at City Square for International Serviam Day with fellow Ursuline alumnae across the globe. The event was coordinated so that Ursuline alumnae from across the globe would simultaneously serve in their local communities. Ms. Gigliotti joined other Ursuline graduates at City Square in Dallas where they served as hosts and helped neighbors at the food pantry. Learn more about Christina Gigliotti by clicking here, and City Square by clicking here.

Brown Fox continued its support of ALARM by co-sponsoring the Evening with ALARM fundraising dinner. Russ Brown has volunteered with ALARM over the past ten years and trained attorneys, judges, government officials, and pastors in Africa. Paralegal Robert Falay joined Russ and last year’s teaching team in Mombasa, Kenya.
Brown Fox attorneys Russ Brown and Allison Raley volunteered and provided pro bono assistance at the Dallas Pro Bono Expunction Expo coordinated by the Dallas District Attorney’s Office, Dallas Justice, and Watermark Community Church. The event brought together attorneys and pro bono clients to interview and file the appropriate expunction motions in one evening. The gathering was a tremendous success thanks to District Attorney Faith Johnson and her team, the volunteer attorneys led by criminal defense attorneys Roger Haynes and Rick Howard, and the volunteers at Watermark Community Church, which provided the space for the event.
Brown Fox sponsored the Hero for Justice Speaker Series featuring Gary Haugen, Victor Boutros, and Kelly Shackelford.

Right: Russ Brown addresses attendees
Brown Fox served as a sponsor for the ACT Generation Justice event. Attendees enjoyed food and drink as Reid Porter, Founder and President of ACT, detailed ACT’s mission and vision for expanding ACT’s work in other high-crime, Dallas neighborhoods. ACT also offered a unique opportunity to experience life near drug houses through virtual-reality goggles and noise-canceling headphones. Late last year, Russ Brown wrote a Dallas Morning News column regarding the great work of ACT in West Dallas and South Dallas. Learn more about ACT by clicking here; read the Dallas Morning News article by clicking here.

Bottom Left: ACT’s Steve Weatherford, Kristin Bowen, and Renee and Russ Bowen.
Bottom Right: ACT’s Reid Porter addresses Generation Justice audience.