Brown Fox to Sponsor Sudreau Global Justice CLE This Week
November 13, 2023 by Brown Fox
Brown Fox is sponsoring a CLE and networking event this week presented by The Sudreau Global Justice Institute (SGJI), an international legal justice organization at the Pepperdine Caruso School of Law. SGJI was started in 2007 by former Pepperdine Professor, Bob Goff. SGGI partners with the Ugandan Judiciary to assist with training, conferences, and positive modification to the Ugandan criminal justice system. This week’s CLE, entitled “Access to Justice: The Power of the Rule of Law to Transform a Nation,” will be hosted by Brown Fox pro bono partner, Act. Brown Fox has two notable Pepperdine Caruso School of Law alumni, Charlene Koonce and Brandi McKay. Ms. Koonce was instrumental in connecting SGJI with Brown Fox to put on this event.
To learn more about SGJI, Act, or Brown Fox’s In the Community work, click on the links below.
- Sudreau Global Justice Institute
- Advocates for Community Transformation
- Brown Fox – In the Community
Charlene Koonce, Partner Brandi McKay, Partner