What made us, what drives us, and where we set our sights. At Brown Fox, we hire the best talent available, but also place great emphasis on attorneys and staff who are well-rounded, bring depth in character, and adhere to our core values. Learn more about our out-of-office pursuits, great memories, formative moments, big victories, challenges faced, and more.

International travel has always been something my family has enjoyed together. From Hawaii to Iceland, we’re always looking for fun destinations to make great memories together.

I draw a lot of inspiration from art. Hamilton is a great example and holds one of my favorite gems: Don’t throw away your shot.

I’ve had the travel bug from a young age. I prioritize experiencing something that I’ve never experienced before in every country I visit, while also eating unique delicacies that aren’t found elsewhere in the world.

I inherited a love for cooking and baking from my sweet Mama. Some of my best dishes have been thrown together with little thought and limited ingredients and are my most requested dishes. I have so many fond memories with my Mama in her kitchen, and I am now I am passing that “ladle” to my own daughters.

Kimberley O’Rourke

My journey as a “traveler” began as a student living abroad in Japan, where I was inspired to learn about other cultures and people. This experience ignited a passion for exploration that has taken me all over the world. Traveling with my wife, we love to experience local cultures, savor delicious food, make memories, and hike through creation. Each adventure has led to new relationships and deepened our understanding of our own culture.

Prior to entering the legal profession, I worked in my family’s farming business, growing corn, soybeans, and wheat. Although my time on a tractor is considerably less now, I still carry the business acumen and grit born out of entrepreneurship.

I believe that public service is at the core of the legal profession. This gavel from the Texas Senate and sound block from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas remind me to act justly, preserve the rule of law, and seek the good of my neighbors.

From the magic of Harry Potter, the romance by Nicholas Sparks, and the thrill of John Grisham books, my love for reading is vast. I’ve loved to read for as long as I can remember and many of my most content moments involve getting lost in a good book.

Teaching forever changed the way I view work and community. I learned what hard, meaningful work looks like, and I gained a deep appreciation for communities different from the ones I grew up in. These lessons shape my legal practice and desire to serve today.

After college, I interned for International Justice Mission in Kenya, helping IJM represent children who had been sexually assaulted and prisoners who had been falsely accused and reform the public justice system in Nairobi. That formative year with IJM confirmed my calling of advocacy through a career in law.

My happy place is the kitchen. I love crafting fun recipes using the most unique and interesting ingredients I can get my hands on. A joy of mine is cooking for others and making sure everyone around me has a happy belly.

Making the perfect cup of coffee takes precision, patience and passion, but is always worth the effort. You can often find me trying new roasteries and flavor notes.

My passion for international travel began during my first trip outside of the United States to study abroad one summer at the Sorbonne in Paris, France.  The opportunity to observe and embrace the beauty of foreign lands and cultures ignited my passion to travel, which still burns bright today.  However, my compass will always point home to my family in the great State of Texas.

Reading has always been more than a pastime for me; it’s a way to continuously learn and grow. Classics, business books, biographies, and the spiritual guidance from the Bible have each uniquely enriched my understanding of the world. There’s a joy in sharing a book with others, knowing it might provide a fresh perspective. Reading is a journey that never ends!

Playing volleyball, as well as many other sports, taught me the importance of hard work and the value of teamwork. Through volleyball, I learned to win humbly, lose gracefully, and always put my best foot forward – in sports and in life.

Music plays a critical part of my day-to-day life and continuously boosts my mood. I enjoy hearing new songs, being exposed to new genres, and finding the right compilation of songs to create my next playlist.

Being a dancer, particularly in ballet, taught me the importance of discipline, grace, and precision. I strive to carry all these qualities into my legal practice and personal life.

I grew up playing soccer, starting in defence and then moving on to the forward left wing. I got introduced to rugby in college, and, similar to soccer, started in a more defensive position, and ended up as an attacking right winger. Not many things in sport beat the thrill of turning a defensive play to an offensive play, zooming past opposing players, with nothing but the hiss of the wind and the faint urgings of my teammates in my ears, and scoring, in either soccer or rugby. I get to enjoy that thrill in pickup games these days, and hope my kids can too one day.

From the moment I learned to weld, I was enamored with metalworking. Designing and building a welding project requires problem-solving creativity when taking an idea and turning it into a functional product.

Photography challenges me to be present and appreciate the beauty this world offers. I keep my camera with me in my spare time because inspiration strikes at random moments.

Books like Harry Potter have played a pivotal role in my life, including encouraging me to see the magic in everyday life. Some of those magical moments include a proposal in front of the Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, and the book pages used to line our wedding tables.

The Verdict, one of my favorite lawyer films, has some great teaching lessons notwithstanding the protagonist’s flawed character. Despite a host of challenges – an unscrupulous opposing counsel, a judge who tried to railroad his case, and an expert who disappeared on the eve of trial – he outworked a small army of opposing lawyers and went to the mat for his client all the way to jury verdict.

Of all the diplomas and degrees I’ve earned, the most rewarding was from high school. The International Baccalaureate curriculum is by far one of the most difficult and life changing programs I’ve ever endured, paving the way for foundations of self-discipline and organization as well as a lifelong passion for learning.

This is the sawed-off and glued-back-together tennis racket that my dad made for me so he could start giving me tennis lessons when I was two years old. Our love for tennis spawned years of fun, including playing in father/son tournaments. We attended hundreds of sporting events over the years (football, baseball, basketball, tennis, and even the Indy 500), but our fun with sports all started with this tennis racket.

The University of Texas at Austin is not only my alma mater, but it is where I met my amazing husband of over three decades, learned to be self-sufficient, and made lifelong friendships and fond memories that I will always cherish.  Hook ‘Em!

To me, baseball embodies timeless principles, the unfailing American spirit, and unforgettable moments with family and friends. Whether I’m rooting for the Texas Rangers in Arlington or savoring a summer game on Cape Cod, time stops and I feel at home.

I have always been a bookworm – biographies, fiction, spiritual books, you name it. I think reading is the most important educational tool, and it’s still my favorite way to unwind.

My dogs represent some of the best characteristics that a person can strive for: love, loyalty, and an unwavering ability to get back up again…whether that is for a tennis ball or a new challenge.

“The world is a book and if we do not travel, we read only one page.” This sculpture, purchased in a small harbor town in France, reminds me how much I love reading and travel.

When she was five, one of my daughters was asked to write a journal page by completing the sentence, “I’m special because…” I always thought her response was my mother of the year award, and reflects how much I love my—now fully grown—daughters.

I am a passionate Longhorn football fan, but I especially love the TX-OU game – one of my favorite days of the year. My first experience at the Red River rivalry was with my dad in high school, and over the years I have been lucky to attend with best buddies, my wife, and both of my sons.

Through exercising I have learned the importance of discipline and consistency. It’s also the best way to start or finish your day.

Courtney Trotter

This globe, which sits in my home study, serves as a reminder that I’m a spatial and temporal being, privileged to be in my particular place and time, and charged with stewarding each as best as I can.

We named our daughter after my husband’s grandmother, and this key is to her hutch of books and letters in our daughter’s room. It’s a reminder to always keep family close.

From home projects to crafting, I have a pure love of working with my hands to create something fun and beautiful. Recently, I’ve been making painted signs for home décor.

Kimberley O’Rourke

This dictionary from my childhood encapsulates to me so much of the immigrant and first-generation experience. Words, ironically, can’t fully explain!

As the saying goes, “Fortune Favors the Bold.” Running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain with my brother was an ultimate bucket list item I’m proud to scratch off. Ask me about Dead Man’s Corner some day!

I walked with notecards in college and law school to study, and walking is my favorite way to think, process, pray, decide. Especially when my two large dogs join me, walking provides energy and relaxation.

International travel is my favorite way to make new memories. There is nothing better than exploring a new place.

Courtney Trotter

I have a growing collection of vinyl records, and enjoy seeing live music whenever I can and discovering new artists. I’m often asked to make playlists for special occasions.

Playing water polo from elementary school into college, I learned the importance of discipline and teamwork.

Spartan Races are the ultimate in obstacle-course races. They are a brutal mental and physical challenge – combining long-distance running with dozens of grueling obstacles. For some reason, there are also incredibly fun. This proves I completed the Spartan Trifecta – finishing the three different races of 4, 7, and 13 miles in one calendar year. These races give me the motivation to stay in shape, and I hope there are many more Trifectas in my future.

Baylor University will always hold a special place in my heart and life. Baylor taught me important life lessons and brought me many lifelong friendships. Cheering for Baylor is a family tradition that I love sharing with those I love the most. Sic Em Bears!

Most of my “hobbies” these days revolve around my young children and their interests. My kids love arts and crafts. While I’m not much of an artist myself, I love to see their wild creativity and passion, even if it results in a lot of cleanup after each masterpiece is complete.

I have been blessed with four precious children I call my little angels. They have given me a purpose, legacy and reinforced the virtues of selflessness and unconditional love.

A solid strategy, great negotiating skills, and a competitive spirit are crucial when playing Catan. Every board is different, and I love the challenge of winning when playing with family and friends.

From everything C.S. Lewis, to books on history, to my favorite English Premier League and Hoover Institute podcasts, I’ve logged more than a few hours on these and have met a much expanded world in the process. They serve as a portal to quiet, education and entertainment on planes and help me pass the daily workouts on my row machine.

I’ve spent years reading through various genres of books from fantasy to philosophy, and I’ve come to learn that my favorite is theology. Authors such as Josh McDowell and C.S. Lewis have greatly impacted my life and how I view the world today.

My favorite way to wind down is to get lost in a good story. From biographies to fantasy, I feel like I’ve lived a thousand lives.

Courtney Trotter

I am a lifelong sports fan, but no game will ever top this one – Game 3 of the 2001 World Series when, just weeks after 9/11, President Bush went to the mound in a bullet-proof vest, gave the thumbs-up sign to the nation, and threw a perfect strike. Most of the crowd was crying or roaring. I was in the upper deck right behind home plate doing both. A truly iconic moment for the sports world and our country.

We scrapped out a victory in an alternate shot shootout after I hit a hybrid 195 to about 15 feet (my poor man’s Hogan 1 iron), then made a four footer to seal the victory – all in front a of a gallery. While certainly far from a talented golfer, I love to compete and was proud that I stayed calm and performed under pressure. I would like to think those attributes serve me well in the courtroom.

Quilting, sewing and embroidery are a part of my childhood, from my grandmother to my mother and now me. My hands are always drawn to lovely textiles and beautiful colors.

Kimberley O’Rourke

Traveling, in my opinion, is done best when it involves an adventure—something that pushes me outside of my comfort zone. My adventures have allowed me to hike to new heights, be up close and personal with wildlife, brave the elements, and try other countries’ delicacies.

There is something special about pulling a record out of the sleeve, reading the liner notes, and listening from start to finish. The subtle cracks and pops embedded in the music are not imperfections but rather authentic signatures. This appreciation for authenticity extends beyond music…and into life. I love sharing not just the music but the narratives that make each record special.

One of my greatest treasures, this autographed book of To Kill a Mockingbird was given to me as a gift by a dear friend who knows how much I love the story of Atticus, Scout, Gem and Boo Radley. This book inspired my love of justice, fueled my love of reading, and eventually led me to become a lawyer.

This shillelagh, an Irish club, was given to me by a grateful client after prevailing in a tough case. It reminds me that regardless of the outcome, to always give it my best.

I am a big fan of my beloved Jayhawks and their basketball team. It is a form of nostalgia for my alma mater.

Over the years, I have taken on many home projects, and some projects have turned out amazing. Others have simply been lessons for the next project, but the ones that turn out best are always the ones where there is painstaking preparation and planning. “Measure twice and cut once” is a lesson that carries over into my life and law practice.

Long before stepping foot in a courtroom, I worked as a licensed installer of fire suppression systems in commercial kitchens. While work is now air-conditioned, that experience cultivated a strong work ethic and unique insight into the construction industry.

The best part of being a TCU alum and lifelong fan of TCU athletics is now getting to share the joy of attending and watching games with my kids, who have also adopted the Frogs as their #1 team.

Serving in the U.S. Navy aboard this ship was an opportunity to serve my country, and to make life-long relationships.

Spending time in both urban and rural India opened my eyes to the strength and hospitality of its people, the richness (and spiciness!) of its cuisine, and a greater awareness that despite many cultural differences, the people from two very different countries have much that can be learned from one another.

I have an actual cat, but I love cats so much that I actually decorate with them. Truly, I love animals of all kinds. There is an incomparable, simple pleasure in spending time with animals.

My race medals are small reminders that dedication and hard work will get you to the finish line.

While some say the pen is mightier than the sword, my son Peter disagrees. But together, we enjoy using our own swords (or “chisels”) to craft pens and other wooden objects on a lathe.

Our family visits the Rangers Ballpark as often as we can to enjoy a game and family fun time. Go Rangers!

Kristin Bowen

Learning that I could use my time, treasure, and talents as a lawyer to help tackle dark injustices in the world was truly a game changer for me. Working alongside IJM changed my heart, worldview, and career focus.

Peace and serenity can be found working with roses—planting them, nurturing them, watching them grow. And I live in Tyler—the Rose Capital of the World.

Shannon Latham

I keep my dad’s 1958 little league “Best Hitter” baseball on my desk to remind me of the love and support my parents have given me at every stage of my life.

In addition to enjoying the physical challenge of cycling, I have often found the alone times on my bike as being good for thinking about strategies on pending cases.

If this sweatshirt could tell stories… It would tell you about late night studying in law school, friendships, raising my first baby girl, passing the bar exam, a marriage proposal on the beach, early morning feedings and rocking of two more babies, moving to Texas and building a new home, book clubs, trial prep, chilly lake days, family vacations… It would tell you about a life full of love.

Given to me by a family member not long after the birth of our son, this sculpture symbolizes the joy of family and the privilege of fatherhood.

I will always carry my African and Congolese identity with pride.

Robert Falay

Unloading salmon out of the holds of Alaskan fishing vessels all day and many nights over a summer between college semesters taught me not only the value of getting an education, but also that successfully completing a task usually requires rolling up your sleeves, getting your boots dirty, and not stopping until the job is done.

I learned to scuba dive in 2001, and it has been a passion of mine ever since. Nothing is more interesting that a coral reef and its wildlife, and I especially love the weightless feeling while diving.

One of the most beautiful golf courses I have ever seen, and I got to share the pleasure of playing here with my wife.

Baseball taught me about hard work, grit, success and failure. My playing days are far in the rearview mirror, but the joy that comes from coaching my boys in a game that was once such a big part of my life couldn’t be more alive.

I get goosebumps every time I think of that trip to the Theater of Dreams for the Manchester Derby. A trip worth taking, even if you are not a soccer fan.

When I learned how to play chess, I discovered it’s not about making the right move all the time—it’s about making the right move at the right time.

Carved into this walking stick given to me by my father are various images of memorable events, words, and scenes of my life and other moments that we shared together. I am grateful for my family and one of my goals as an attorney is to serve my clients with the same high level of care and responsiveness that I would provide to my own family.

My grandchildren are my greatest blessings in life …. they bring sunshine and joy to every minute of every day … my legacy and a constant reminder that each day should be filled with laughter and love.

Shannon Latham

A gift for my first wedding anniversary, this painting of Hotel El Convento which was built in 1646 in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, is a reminder of the beautiful and historic location where my husband and I were married.

Kristin Bowen

This badge represents my first trip back to Africa with ALARM (African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries) after 7 years in America. I had the privilege to breathe the African air again, but most importantly share my story of grace with my Kenyan brothers and sisters.

Robert Falay

While I have resigned myself to the reality that I will never be the golfer I want to be, I have been fortunate enough to play (albeit poorly) some of the most beautiful courses in the world.

Faith, Family, Love … the values instilled in me by the strong women that came before me and that form the very foundation on which I have raised my children and grandchildren.

Shannon Latham

Since Ellis was born our friends have been asking whether she will ride horses or play soccer. As soon as she could walk I registered my vote.

I find so much joy in looking back at the gifts I received from my kids to take to work. This is even more true as they grow, and reminds me of the value of time.

Fly fishing requires focus, finesse, attention to detail, adaptability, and a lot of patience. The challenges are many, but the reward of landing a beautiful trout in a mountain river is hard to beat.

I used to spend hours at the record store looking for hidden gems. Now a days I don’t have time to burn looking through vinyls but still enjoy listening to them as often as I can.

Kristin Bowen

From dusty streets of Congo to Texas green turfs, soccer has been an enormous part of my life. I find joy in coaching my kids this game I grew up playing barefoot with a self-made banana-leaf ball.

Robert Falay
Integrity-Driven Advocates, Problem Solvers, and Counselors Ready to Serve.
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